Will Jinxy find LOVE??? hurhur
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Friday, October 06, 2006

melody faith baby tagged me. if i do this, u better start smiling!!!


The tagged victim has to come up with 8 different points of their perfect lovers. Tag 4 victims to join this game and leave a comment on their page saying they've been tagged. If tagged the 2nd time, there's no need to post again.GENDER: female

1) she got to have friends( her friends are equally important as mine)

2)abit on the wild side, but calm when needed


4)Hot and cool!

5)has all my heart, someone i would die for

6)willing to take some of my nonsense (all is too much)


8)and most importantly, she got to be my best friend!

i tag...yanni...junjun...NUTS and meowmie!!!

sorry peeps, i got nobody else to tag. hurhur

thousand years of love ♥

The Lover ♥
ChengJing Hean<3
Crap talker[:

football (itsa religion!!)<3
having fun<3<3<3

Whispers ♥

Waiting ♥

wishing to be with u...

Broken Memories ♥

always look on the bright side of life! =)



Credits to

Designer: Esther ♥


Image hosted by : photobucket

codes: *`kelli