Will Jinxy find LOVE??? hurhur
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Thursday, March 15, 2007

ROAR!!! to prove mayy wrong, i have taken the liberty to update my blog, in a cafe on the streets of HO CHI MINH CITY VIETNAM!!! ROAR!!! =ppp

ok, for u guys who dont knw, i'm in nam, ho chi minh city now...now as in NOW!!! ROAR!!! hahaha i think i'm going mental. haha lestempdesfleur is playing on the cafe stereo now, dalida rocks la! hahaha i've been shopping and eating alot this couple of days...i'm getting so FAT! bleah =( nevermind, i shall come back and lose weight just in time for A div tournament. wahaha, all those people out there!!! i may, MAY! have a present for u guys. haha u guys can start reminding me on the cbox if u guys see this message. well for the lucky few, dunno who. hahaha may knows. haha i've already gotten some of u guys presents. haha but i'm also getting kinda broke already. wahaha. anyway, vietnam is...like china in the 1990s. well i've been to china in the 1990s. some of u guys were not even born yet. haha who ah? haha and when i arrived, my baggage got LOST!!!! WTH LA! but nvm, it seems that it got left behind at changi and so the airport sent it to me at my hotel. ate buffet for dinner. dam shiok. all the seafood were jus overflowing my plates. haha 2nd day was spent at ben thanh market shopping and shopping. i also went for a full bod massage on the first day. my jet lagged body deserves a break. haha going to tour the mekong river tomolo. will keep u guys updated. toodlez!

thousand years of love ♥

The Lover ♥
ChengJing Hean<3
Crap talker[:

football (itsa religion!!)<3
having fun<3<3<3

Whispers ♥

Waiting ♥

wishing to be with u...

Broken Memories ♥

always look on the bright side of life! =)



Credits to

Designer: Esther ♥


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codes: *`kelli